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Google Digital Garage Quiz are provided to teach the new comers in the Digital Marketing Industry. The answers provided are 100% correct and are solved by Professionals. We don’t and never have recommended to use these answers as cheatsheet. 
No. Of Questions – 115 | Score Required – 80% |  Google Digital Garage Quiz Answers 2021 (1-115)
1. The increased use of the Internet presents a lot of potential for which types of businesses?
All businesses
Small business owners

International businesses

Local businesses
2. Taking a business online can involve many different steps. When starting out, which activity could be a part of this process?
Sending flyers with your web address to customers
Creating a business listing in online local directories
Increasing print and billboard advertising

Building a team of digital advertising experts
3. Which of the following is the easiest way for visitors to learn about a business while visiting a website?
Getting a free ‘taster’ of one of your products when they sign up to receive emails

Listening to an audio file that auto plays whenever someone visits your site
Browsing your product pages and reviewing the Frequently Asked Questions page
Reading the terms and conditions for your products on your site
4. What is a key benefit of having an online presence for a business?
The ability to sell products directly to customers through social media
Being visible when people search for a business like yours
Sending users emails to update them on new products

Being able to offer new customers promotional discounts
5. Which tool helps you measure the success of your website?
Keyword Planner

Ad Gallery

Ad Preview Tool
6. Which of the following statements is true when it comes to taking a business online?
Stick to what you are doing and don’t make changes

The same content works across online and offline platforms
Use analytics to make informed decisions
Use analytics to track your customers across the Internet
7. Which term best describes the business activity that occurs when website visitors buy products or services from you online?
Display advertising

Search engine marketing

Pay per click
8. Which of the following statements is true when marketing your business online?
You need a website to show up in search results

You’ll reach a similar client base to the one you have in the real world

You’ll be seen by the same volume of customers whether you use search advertising or not
Social media is a great way to engage your audience
9. Which of the following statements is true when it comes to developing a web presence for a business?
Customers can learn about a business by downloading a mobile app, but they can’t place an order using an app

Building a new website requires a large budget
Mobile apps enable your customers to purchase your products without being on your website
All businesses must have a website to sell products
10. What is a web server?
The customer service representative you can call when you have questions about your website

The answer you get when you search a term on the web
A computer connected to the Internet with software that allows it to host all the components of your website
The device that determines the speed of your mobile connection
11. Fill in the blank: A __________ is a shortcut to other pages on your site or elsewhere on the web.
Return link

Menu bar

12. Which of the following is something you’ll probably want to exclude from your website?
A lot of deep scientific information and detailed statistics
Special offers

Certifications to show you’re qualified to provide a service
13. Which of the following is an example of a ‘call to action’ on a website?
A list of phone numbers customers can use to get in contact with you
A ‘Get directions to our store’ button which when clicked, redirects to a map displaying directions to the store based on the customer’s current address
An icon button that takes the customer to your social media accounts

A hotline phone number that helps users complete their purchases
14. What should you consider when developing your website content?
What your customers are looking for
Your latest promotions and discounts

Your brand values

Whether the content will go viral or not
15. What is the first step in creating an online business strategy?
Identifying business goals
Understanding what the competition is doing

Knowing the market

Aligning goals to the strategy
16. What is the purpose of the ‘See, Think, Do, Care’ framework?
To help determine a marketing strategy
To help a business understand the customer journey online
To help a business reach a global audience

To give insight into specific customer groups
17. Why is optimising customer touchpoints online beneficial for businesses?
It allows brands to add pop-up ads at every point of the customer journey, ensuring high visibility

It gives businesses the opportunity to save money on online advertising
It provides customers with value every time they come into contact with a brand, helping build trust
It gives businesses an opportunity to collect more data from potential customers
18. Once you’ve worked out your Unique Selling Point (USP), how would you use it in a long-term online strategy?
Incorporate it within marketing materials across all channels to help raise customer awareness
Create an email campaign letting your customers know why you are unique

Film a video explaining your unique selling point and send it to employees

Create a press release and distribute it through your channels
19. What type of information can KPIs provide?
Audience segmentation
Long-term projections
Financial viability

Board decisions
20. Why are search engines a great place for a business to be found?
People pay to use search engines, so there is a wealthy customer base there
People who search are actively looking for information, products or services
Search engines are a big trend these days

Search engines guarantee new customers
21. What technology do search engines use to ‘crawl’ websites?


22. Which of the following can help a search engine understand what your page is about?
The date it was published

The number of images used

The total number of words
The title tag
23. Fill in the blank: Spending money on search advertising influences how your website appears in ___________.
Organic search results
The search results page
Business directories

Display advertising networks
24. Which of these is an important factor in the paid search auction system?
How famous your brand name is

How cool your logo is

How long your business has been around
How relevant your ads are
25. Which of these can Google Search Console help you to do?
It helps you increase your social media following

It helps you optimise your Google My Business listing
It helps you understand which keywords people are searching for on Google
It helps you run A/B tests on your home page
26. Which of the following factors should you consider when optimising your website for search engines?
Colour scheme

Recycled content

Inspiring business name
Site popularity
27. What should be the first step of a structured SEO plan?
Identifying your ad budget

Buying an analytics software

Setting up your presence on social media sites
Keyword research
28. When it comes to search ads, which of the following could dictate how an ad will perform against a competitor?
Social media following
Bid value
Domain authority

Average number of visitors to the company’s website
29. Fill in the blank: Short strings of specific keywords with low search volume are called ___________.
Long-hair keywords
Long-tail keywords
High-relevance keywords

Top-tail keywords
30. Which of the following would be an ideal goal for an SEO plan?
Increasing social media likes and follows
Increasing how many relevant people visit your website
Showing your website to as many people as possible

Being in first place in SERP for any keyword

Google Digital Garage Quiz Answers 2021 (31-115)
31. Which of the following page titles would be most suitable for a website page describing a store’s return policy?
How to Send Stuff Back
[Company Name’s] Return Policy
Return Policy

Company Policies
32. Which of the following is a good way to get other websites to link to your site?
Keep linking to them until they link to you

Send them emails until they link to you
Building relationships with similar sites
Use as many relevant keywords on the page you’d like them to link to
33. When expanding a business internationally, which of the following is most important to provide on your website?
Products and delivery details in the correct currency
Time and dates written in the local format

Exchange rate information

Free giveaways for local customers
34. Search engine marketing can also be called what?
Pay-per-click advertising
Organic advertising

Search box marketing

One-click advertising
35. In an SEM auction, your Quality Score is based on which aspect of your ad?

36. Fill in the blank: It’s possible to determine how well a/an ___________ will perform without bidding on it.


37. What should your search ad have in order to promote more clicks?
A call to action
A catchy headline

A close-up photo

A social media link
38. Which of the following is a benefit of using relevant ads and landing pages?
Increased cost for ad placements
Higher ad positions on the search results page
Higher cost per clicks on your ads

Ads that will ensure more purchases
39. When it comes to search ads, which description best describes ‘negative keywords’?
Keywords with no association to your site

Keywords with a poor search volume
Keywords that are excluded from a campaign
Keywords that are typed incorrectly
40. Fill in the blank: If you use __________ keywords when building your search ads, minor variations, like plurals, can still trigger the ad.
Exact Match
Random Match

Direct match

Close match
41. What can conversion tracking in search help you measure?
How many transactions are completed on your site overall

How many people click on your SEM ad and end up browsing your site
How many people visiting your site from a search ad end up completing a purchase
How many customers your ad has converted into brand ambassadors
42. How can you improve a business’s visibility to people located near you geographically?
Translate your website into at least two more languages

Offer free phone support during business hours

Ensure you have good analytics on your website
Make sure your phone number, address and business hours are easy to find
43. Which of the following is an example of a local search?
“bike shop near me”
“bike shop in UK”

“local bicycle shop”

“bike shops”
44. Which of the following is a benefit of registering your business in online local listings?
Discounted pricing on your search advertising campaigns
Increased likelihood of being discovered through search engines
More mentions on social media platforms

Guaranteed sales to local customers
45. Which three pieces of information are essential to include first in your local directory listing?
Business address, website, telephone numbers
Business name, business address, telephone numbers
Website, telephone numbers, email address

Business name, email address, website
46. Which of the following factors help search engines determine if your business is local?
Location details on the website, quality content and how mobile friendly the website is
Location details on the website, list of shops local to you and a contact form

Quality content, list of local suppliers and location details

Location GPS tags on photos, quality content and how mobile friendly the website is
47. When looking to attract a local audience, why it is important to optimise your website and content for mobile users?
Because local users tend to use their mobile devices when they’re out of the house
Because mobiles will replace desktop computers

Because all online users browse on mobile devices these days

Because marketing for mobile is more cost effective
48. Which of the following can help you gain visibility in search engines?
Adding relevant content that highlights the location of your business
Including your address on your Twitter account

Optimising your site for desktop devices only

Adding a list of shops local to you on your website
49. Which of the following can businesses achieve by using social media?
Attract new audiences
Build a good reputation with customers

Meet sales goals

Increase traffic to their website
50. Fill in the blank: Businesses should focus on social media platforms with _______.
The biggest reputation

The most expected engagement
A relevant audience
The most users
51. Which of the following is an example of a social media goal?
Acquire genuine reviews on products
Drive more traffic to your store
Develop one-way communication with customers

Mimic your competition’s approach
52. Which details should you look to include on a business profile page on social media?
Details about the CEO

Link to a local listing site you’re on
Description of the business
Cost of products and services
53. A robust social media plan includes which of the following?
A list of content that mimics competitor content

All of your online business goals
A long-term schedule identifying when to post content
A list of friends who can post on the accounts
54. What is the best way to put your social content in front of people who don’t already follow you?
Increase your email marketing campaigns

Ask people to share your content to their networks
Use paid promotion to reach new audiences
Put links to your social on your website
55. What can social media analytics tools help you measure when assessing campaign results?
Whether the campaign was more successful than your competitors

Whether the visitors liked the social campaigns or not

Whether a visitor called the store after seeing a social post
Whether the visitor clicked on a paid ad or organic listing
56. Which of the following is a pitfall when using social media for business?
2-way conversation with customers

Not being present on every social media platform
Not having the resources to respond to comments and questions in a timely manner
Spending too much time reviewing social media analytics
57. When looking to ensure your website is easily accessible by mobile users, what should you focus on doing first?
Redesign your website colour scheme
Optimise your site
Create a mobile app

Shorten your website content
58. What does responsive design mean?
Your visitors can manually adjust the size of your website
Your website will adapt to suit whichever device it is being viewed on
Your customers can provide feedback on the design of your site

Your website will respond to clicks faster
59. When it comes to optimising your website’s SEO for mobile users, which of the following is a crucial factor to keep in mind?
Short content and fewer images
Performance and usability
Usability and short content

Less video content
60. What can a business use to send messages to users who have already downloaded their app?
Text messages

Pull notifications
Push notifications
Email notifications
  61.When considering how mobile users will search for your business, which types of keywords should you focus on?
Long tail keywords
Shorter keywords and phrases
Longer keywords and phrases

Exact match keywords
62. Before running search ads, you should make sure your site is mobile-friendly. Which scenario best describes a mobile-friendly experience for a customer?
The business has a mobile app instead of a website

The site include business phone numbers
The site works on different mobile devices
The site does not include any videos so it loads quickly
63. Which of the following can be used to target an audience when using some social media ads?
People’s names

People’s address

People’s pet names
People’s relationship status
64. When making video content for your display ads, what is most important to ensure?
Videos are entertaining, long and include a CTA
Videos are relevant, short and include a CTA
Videos are relevant, long and include a URL

Videos are short, informative and include a phone number
65. Which of the following is an accurate definition of what a content marketing campaign involves?
Creating and posting content ad-hoc when you have the time

The creation of time-sensitive content that can be published through various channels

Regularly emailing customers with news about a business’s products or services
The creation and promotion of online materials with the goal of increasing interest in a product or service
66. What does the following definition describe? ‘The division of an audience into groups of who they are and what they like, with a goal of identifying a group most interested in your product/service.’
Marketing channels

Audience segmentation
Group dynamics
67. Fill in the blank: When describing the purpose of content, what is missing? ‘To entertain, to inspire, to _______ and to convince’.


68. Which of the following best describes why approaches to writing need to be adapted for online content?
Online readers have a reduced attention span, due to being flooded with information
Certain blogging platforms have a limit on the word count you can publish

Online readers only like to engage with long-form pieces of content

Online audiences are typically younger, so the language used needs to reflect this
69. What are ‘highlighting key dates’ and ‘considering multiple channels’ best practices of?
Creating a content calendar
Designing illustrations to support content

Segmenting your audience

Identifying social media influencers
70. Which of the following metrics could help you understand which blog post is resonating the most with your audience?
Session duration
Page views

Referral traffic

Unique page views
71. Which of the following will you need to start an email marketing programme?
A collection of email templates

A ‘Contact Us’ form
A way to collect people’s email addresses
A set budget
72. Which of the following is a common feature of email marketing platforms?
Personalised, custom templates

A free list of email addresses you can target
A feature allowing users to unsubscribe from your emails
Automation of your search ad campaigns
73. Which of these is a good practice to keep in mind when sending emails to your contacts?
Run an A/B test on your subject line to determine which one works best
Send the same generic and simple message to your entire contact database

Include enough content in the email so there is no need for them to click away to read further elsewhere

Only include a call-to-action on the landing page you’re linking to in the email
74. If the open rate of your emails seems low, which of the following could help you fix that?
Redesign your website

Change the colour of the buttons inside your email

Send your emails to more contacts
Adjust the subject line of your email
75. Which of the following statements is true when it comes to running email campaigns for a business?
There’s no need to use sponsored ads within your email marketing
There’s no need for analytics when it comes to email marketing

You need to include personal contact details

You can use any imagery, despite copyright
76. If you own a film blog, which type of customer can you expect to reach with display advertising?
People who use ad-blockers and are interested in your subject
People who haven’t read your blog before but are interested in your subject
Only people who have read your blog previously

Only people interested in films and movies
77. Fill in the blank: The ads on search engines are usually made up of ________.

78. When using search engine marketing, where can your ads appear?
Only on search engines
Only on websites

On search engines and websites

On websites and social media
79. When setting up display advertising campaigns, who can you target?
People with specific names
People who speak different languages
People who already own specific products

People with a specific address
80. In what way can display advertising be effective?
It guarantees more visitors to your site

It guarantees increased sales
It drives traffic to your website
It improves your ranking in search engines
81. Which of the following is an example of the type of data that advertising networks automatically collect and share with businesses?
The number of sales you make from the ad
The cost of each ad you publish
The cost of creating the ad

A prediction of sales you can make from your ad
82. Which of the following is true when purchasing ad placements on an advertising network?
You always need to contact the owner of the website to buy ads on their page
The network provides data on the click-through-rate
The network provides names of the people who click your ad

The network will continue to show your ad for 7 days once your budget has expired
83. If a person adds a product to a shopping basket but then leaves the website, which of the following tactics is most likely to encourage that person to return and purchase the product?
Retargeting with a display ad encouraging newsletter sign-up

Redesigning your website

Creating a Facebook page for your business
Retargeting with a display ad that has a discount coupon
84. What is the first step of display retargeting?
Sourcing keywords
Defining your audience
Writing content

Setting a call to action
85. When incorporating videos into a digital strategy, which of the following tactics provides value to customers?
Setting up live streams of the business’s physical shop on their website
Publishing a how-to video on their website
Producing sale campaign videos

Sharing personal vlogs
86. What can using video as part of your online presence help you create?
Content that will go viral
A channel to engage with customers
A variety of different brand perceptions

An online following and fanbase
87. Fill in the blank: As a small business, creating videos to showcase your business or product requires only ______.
An agency, professional crew and equipment

Creativity, lots of experience and a large budget
Creativity, planning and any budget
Creativity, planning and high-quality equipment
88. Using videos in email marketing and social media is an effective way to do what?
Increase word of mouth referrals
Engage and grow your audience
Guarantee sales of your product or service

Lower the cost of developing content
89. How can you take advantage of video for your product/services without actually making a video?
This isn’t possible
Advertise on other people’s videos
Use images with a call to action instead

Share other people’s videos
90. When looking at your video analytics, you discover people are only watching the first few seconds of your video. What should you do?
Consider removing the video from the platform

Consider re-shooting your video based on comments
Consider updating your preview images, video titles or descriptions
Consider asking people to watch the whole video in the description
 91. Fill in the blank: Website analytics can tell you _____________.
What time of day your website gets the most traffic
How many mentions or likes you get on social media

How well your competitor’s ad campaigns are doing

The email addresses of visitors to your landing pages
92. Analytics can give you immediate valuable information about which type of customers?
Previous and current customers
Current and future customers

Previous and future customers

Offline and online customers
93. If your key business goal is to get people to book rooms at your guesthouse, what data are you most likely to be interested in?
How long people spend on your ‘How To Find Us’ page

Which day of the week is most popular for bookings

Whether your funny Tweet goes viral
How many people visiting your site book a room with you
94. Most web analytics tools can tell you what information about the user?
Their contact details, their behaviour and their operating system
Their location, type of device they’re using and pages visited
Their location, type of device they’re using and contact details

Their interests, when they delete their browser cookies and their location
95. Fill in the blank: If an ad is not performing well, one effective tactic is to _____________.
Try a different search engine
Tweak the ad’s copy and analyse the results
Hire a professional ad agency

Delete the ad and try again
96. Which section of Google Analytics can tell you whether visitors have found your website via social media?
Site search

Search Console
97. Which type of data relates to a metric that can be represented with a number?


98. What makes the data cycle useful?
It helps you make the most of the data collected from marketing activities
It helps you evaluate your competition

It provides information about what users like about your website

It presents collected data in a visually appealing way
99. Fill in the blank: Actionable insights can be described as explaining the ______ of an online marketing campaign.


100. Which of the following is a benefit of using spreadsheets?
Vast quantities of data can be stored, sorted and analysed quickly
Data can only be accessed when all users are online

Valuable customer and market insights can be delivered quickly

Spreadsheets are the only way to collect data and extrapolate results
101. If you needed to showcase which parts of a website are being clicked on the most, which presentation type should you consider?
Bar chart

Pie chart

Heat map
102. What would be beneficial to include on a product description page?
Previous versions of the product

Links to other suppliers
Reviews of the product
Price comparisons
103. Which of the following is an advantage of e-commerce?
More relaxed checkout procedure
Low operational costs
Minimal interaction required with the customer

Segmentation of audiences
104. To an owner or administrator, what is a functional benefit of having an online store?
It collects the addresses of your online store visitors
It provides a backend system with order management
It provides a quicker checkout process than a physical store

It allows you to feature more sales and discounts than a physical store
105. What is the name of the process that describes what happens when a customer is taken to a separate site to complete a transaction before being sent back to the original site again?
Second-party payment processing
Third-party payment processing
External payment processing

Internal payment processing
106. Which of the following is a sign that customers are having trouble using a particular device to make purchases?
Analytics shows you have a lot of mobile visitors, but very few purchases through mobile
A specific product is not selling much compared to your other products

You get a lot of questions about your return policy

People are having trouble using a promo code for a current sale
107. What is an example of product merchandising?
Running an ad for your products

Adding a way for customers to filter your products
Displaying very specific, featured products on your home page
Cross-selling products in the checkout process
108. Which of the following statements is true when describing how retargeting ads work?
Retargeting ads are visible to people who haven’t been on your website yet
Once a user visits your site, the code drops an anonymous browser cookie
Once your customer purchases, you can not turn off the retargeting ad

Retargeting will always drive customers to your site
109. What is the best way to translate the content on your website for a new market?
Google translate
Native speakers
Translation software

Language guide
110. Before starting to promote products to other countries online, what could you use to gauge demand for your product in that specific market?
Translation software
Keyword planning tools
Interviews with people from that country

A range of search ads in different countries
111. When adapting your website for customers who speak a different language, what should you do?
Have a ‘translate’ button that pulls a translation from an external provider
Translate your content with consideration to particular words and phrases
Translate your content directly, word for word

Localise the name of the business owners
112. Which of the following is primarily meant to target new customers online?
Email marketing

Print advertising

Retargeting advertising
Search advertising
113. What should a business do first, when considering going into a new market?
Hire an agency to translate its website into the local language

Open a new office in the capital city
Determine its ability to deliver products and review all tax and legal information
Invest in major ad campaigns to raise brand awareness
114. When selling to people in different countries, what payment form should you consider using if you aren’t already?
Debit cards

Credit cards
Paypal or Worldpay
Bank transfers
115. Which of the following options is important to research when planning to expand delivery of products and services to customers across the globe?
What times of the day international shoppers are online
The legal and tax considerations in that market
Which social channels are popular in that market

Which couriers offer the cheapest services for global shipping

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Google Digital Garage Quiz Answers 2021

These were the answers for the Google Digital Garage Quiz. Google Digital Garage Quiz Answers were solved by professionals and with maximum accuracy. All the Questions/Answers are free and always will be. We Never have and Will Never recommend using any kind of content to be used as cheat sheet.